
1. 在我看来,这些东西是学习一门语言最好的方式。

“These sorts of things are in my opinion the best way to learn a language.”, brberg at Media Cloisters

2. 它是迄今为止最好的网站。

“It’s the best web site of the year so far.”, Andy Todd at halfcooked

3. 令人上瘾的学习Python细节的方式–所有程序员的必备。

“Addictive way to learn the ins and outs of Python.. a must for all programmers!”, salimma at stumbleupon

4. 这个挑战是极好的,聪明的,令人停不下来并且真正地激活思维。我感觉我是在玩Myst。—James Tauber 完成22关后

“This challenge is fantastic. Clever, addictive and really gets your mind working. I feel like I’m playing Myst.”, James Tauber after finishing level 22.

5. 自从1991年使用Python以来,我一直很享受使用它。我必须坦白地承认这是本世纪以来我获得最多Python乐趣的网站。出色的工作,谢谢 Time Peters(相信学习Python的都知道吧

I’ve been using Python since 1991, and while I’ve always enjoyed it, I have to confess this is the most Python fun I’ve had this century! Excellent work. Thank you!”, Tim Peters

6. 如果学过一些Python,我强烈建议你看一下它。这些谜题设计的很好,并且线索也很精妙。有一种持续挑战自我的感觉,但是从未有完全的挫败感。

“If you’ve got any Python chops, I highly recommend giving it a shot. The puzzles are very well constructed, and the clues are clever. I felt continually challenged, but almost never at a total loss for things to try.”, Thiamin Trek at http://96db.com

这个网站就是 http://www.pythonchallenge.com/

Happily challenge yourself!




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